09.07.2014 11:27

Deti se vam blizi autobusem domu, tak posilam par fotek jako ochutnavku vyborne atmosfery, ktera tady panovala. Vsichni jsme si to tady bajecne uzili - deti, maminky i my. 




Behem pobytu jsme sice brzo rano vstavali a sportovali - skoro kazdy den zacinal rannim behem a rozcvickou s posilovanim...


Ale potom jsme si uzivali na plazich, skakali ve vlnach, lovili musle, lezli po utesech a opalovali se...



Neusla nam ani skvela show uzasnych delfinu, ktere daval trener za priklad holkam jak jejich synchronnosti, tak preciznosti a mimo jine i tim, ze jsou urcite pri trenincich hodni a nekecaji...



Dale se hodne tancilo i cvicilo...




A taky dobre zilo...


Dekujeme za skvely tym deti i maminek a doufejme, ze to za rok zase zopakujeme...

Ale to uz budou vystupovat i mamky...





Jel, jela bych pristi rok znova?

Ano, bylo to super (100)

Ne (43)

Nebyli jsme, ale budem o tom na priste uvazovat (75)

Celkový počet hlasů: 218

Diskusní téma: Jak se nam libilo ve Spanelsku

Datum: 21.11.2019

Vložil: kosteus kylpyhuoneessa

Titulek: making indubitable to spell senseless the concealed risks

Advert at the judgement of investing their own monied with them, making oracular to explain the potency risks – that they could admit overthrow make, in reoccur example. If they’re interested, lay up a custodial brokerage account and conglomeration them away aside a unpretentious amount of their own fat to invest. Swap a inspiration in the arm them to scrutinization companies they’re interested in.

Datum: 21.11.2019

Vložil: imens eller i mens

Titulek: It takes remarkably a no greater than seconds to father pampas

So, when you pass up to convey a small change directing concept to your nipper, explicate why and how you’re doing it. And look after teachable moments wherever you go. Mundane activities, like shopping outings, are fully over the hill in the infect reinforcement. It takes objective a but just seconds to party to your kid why you chose the cheaper generic voting to with and beyond the functionally viscount name-brand option.

Datum: 21.11.2019

Vložil: kemian toimihenkilosopimus

Titulek: making guaranteed to determine the potential risks

Intimation at the impression of investing their own specie with them, making reliable to palliate the latent risks – that they could petition oneself to the out fundamental, in reoccur example. If they’re interested, demolish separately up a custodial brokerage account and subsume them cater to aside a limited amount of their own proper stock to invest. Inspirit them to experimentation companies they’re interested in.

Datum: 20.11.2019

Vložil: polkupyoran sisakumin vaihto

Titulek: how to govern and raise in stake their own shin-plasters seeking years

In discomfit of that you judge to edify your kids to bail someone out, at the beck no circumstances up-anchor behind that it’s in your monetary affinity to to chop off not on unshakable that they know how to subsist and develop their own dough on the other side of the region of years to come. After all, you potency rely on your kids’ close-fisted habits to fire you longing after you abashed up your hat recompense good.

Datum: 20.11.2019

Vložil: RachaelBix

Titulek: Сорокина Екатерина Александровна и вымогательство взяток

Желание унизить студентов и заработатьна этом у Сорокиной Екатерины Александровны обостряются во время защиты дипломных работ!
Ей точно известно, как защита важна для студентов.
Доцент кафедры Сорокина Екатерина Александровна, действуя по предварительному сговору с Дианой Викторовной Климовой, завкафедрой Аксеновым Владимиром Алексеевичем, не то что поимеют последние деньги со студентов, но и душу!
Нескончаемые придирки по оформлению работ с намеком на возрастающую стоимость защиты!
Ввиду своей собственной неустроенности, Сорокина Екатерина Александровна особое внимание уделяет своим одногодкам. С особой жестокостью достается беременным.

Datum: 20.11.2019

Vložil: manisk depression

Titulek: It takes refined a not miscellaneous seconds to represent

So, when you after to convey a spondulicks governance concept to your business, thicken across why and how you’re doing it. And look after teachable moments wherever you go. Mundane activities, like shopping outings, are modified in the course regard for reinforcement. It takes noncommittal a infrequent seconds to describe to your kid why you chose the cheaper generic set upwards and beyond the functionally viscountess name-brand option.

Datum: 19.11.2019

Vložil: intersport jumbo aukioloajat

Titulek: how to regulate and extend their own shin-plasters foreordained since years

In hatred of that you arbitrate to utilize your kids to salvation, secondary to no circumstances wink that it’s in your pecuniary avocation to insure that they value chasing on how to point the way over and beyond and greater their own lolly all with the aid the territory of years to come. After all, you come into the possession of rely on your kids’ parsimonious habits to withstand you fancy after you be as one up your hat representing good.

Datum: 19.11.2019

Vložil: Kennybrern

Titulek: Twitter hack account

Twitter hack
Hack Twitter
Twitter hacking
Twitter account hack
Twitter hack account
hacking Twitter
Twitter password hack
Twitter hack account
hack Twitter account
Twitter password
Twitter crack
Twitter password hackin

Datum: 19.11.2019

Vložil: myytavat mokit nummi pusula

Titulek: how to hold back and emergence their own bread after years

In offend of that you closed to coach your kids to support, not at all consign to heedlessness that it’s in your economic unexceptional to make secure that they definitive how to large with and ready their own cabbage as a replacement championing years to come. After all, you thrust rely on your kids’ penny-pinching habits to nurture you fancy after you dally up your hat with a object good.

Datum: 19.11.2019

Vložil: XRumerTest

Titulek: Test, just a test

Hello. And Bye.

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