09.07.2014 11:27

Deti se vam blizi autobusem domu, tak posilam par fotek jako ochutnavku vyborne atmosfery, ktera tady panovala. Vsichni jsme si to tady bajecne uzili - deti, maminky i my. 




Behem pobytu jsme sice brzo rano vstavali a sportovali - skoro kazdy den zacinal rannim behem a rozcvickou s posilovanim...


Ale potom jsme si uzivali na plazich, skakali ve vlnach, lovili musle, lezli po utesech a opalovali se...



Neusla nam ani skvela show uzasnych delfinu, ktere daval trener za priklad holkam jak jejich synchronnosti, tak preciznosti a mimo jine i tim, ze jsou urcite pri trenincich hodni a nekecaji...



Dale se hodne tancilo i cvicilo...




A taky dobre zilo...


Dekujeme za skvely tym deti i maminek a doufejme, ze to za rok zase zopakujeme...

Ale to uz budou vystupovat i mamky...





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Ano, bylo to super (98)

Ne (43)

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Celkový počet hlasů: 216

Diskusní téma: Jak se nam libilo ve Spanelsku

Datum: 16.02.2019

Vložil: skilsmisseregler

Titulek: purport of irk or chew common's nails the gyves experiences

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Datum: 15.02.2019

Vložil: lammeryg stegetid

Titulek: unchanging foods can multiply testosterone in men

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Datum: 15.02.2019

Vložil: Shaylarix

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Datum: 14.02.2019

Vložil: naturlig ansigtscreme

Titulek: unfluctuating foods can swell testosterone in men

on the protract of half of the men surveyed more than 50,000 people of both genders took speck in the lucubrate would like to see with a larger penis. It may be unsurprisingly, however 0.2 percent wanted the refractory, a smaller penis. Twelve percent of the men surveyed considered their own penis trivial 66 percent.

Datum: 14.02.2019

Vložil: RobertMuh

Titulek: Health 2019

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Datum: 14.02.2019

Vložil: peterjough


Datum: 14.02.2019

Vložil: Gregoryqueks

Titulek: News 2019

Предлагаю Поисковую Оптимизацию товара, услуг, продукта, сайтов и т.д. путем рассылки текста с высокои низкочастотными запросами на Доски, форумы, блоги, гостевые. На 3000 ресурсов за 20 usd c отчетом. skype evg7773 Viber +380976131437

Datum: 14.02.2019

Vložil: RonaldLes

Titulek: The best site

Datum: 14.02.2019

Vložil: Waynecrifs

Titulek: The best site

Datum: 14.02.2019

Vložil: ac lonskala

Titulek: realistic foods can multiply testosterone in men

not fairly half of the men surveyed more than 50,000 people of both genders took career in the study would like to collect a larger penis. It may be unsurprisingly, purely 0.2 percent wanted the contrarious, a smaller penis. Twelve percent of the men surveyed considered their own penis pocket-sized 66 percent.

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